Storm water runoff and dust control

Parking lot sweeping is one of the Best Practices for storm water runoff and dust control that a commercial property owner can do. A regular sweeping program will keep your property in compliance with environmental regulations, keep pollutants under control and Avoid costly fines associated with non-compliance. In addition you will be making a commitment to the environment. regularly scheduled parking lot sweeping and cleaning is good for business , the air and water and the neighborhood your business shares with others.

Parking lot sweeping on a regular basis pays off in the long run

      Parking lot sweeping on a regular basis pays off in the long run. Over time dirt and dust work their way into the pores of the blacktop or pavement . The dirt that has collected in the corners and sifted down into your parking lot surface is a great place for weeds to grow and moss to develop. A regular parking lot cleaning ( once a week ) can prevent or delay this problem at a cost that is more affordable than you may think. Call us at Cleanline sweeping  and see if we can find a program to fit your needs.

Your parking lot is more than just parking

      Your parking lot truly is the first impression people have of your business.

When a person approaches your place of business a poorly maintained parking area  says that you don’t care how you present yourself or your enterprise .  A neat and well maintained presentation says that you and your company care about every aspect of the customers  experience and you pay attention to the details and the quality of your work.  A Clean Parking lot is more than a place to park a car it’s the largest business sign you have.

Parking Lot Sweeping  is more Affordable than you may think . Call us ( 503 371-5416 ) and we will be more than happy to meet with you and help you find a parking lot cleaning solution designed to fit the needs of your business and your budget.

Cleanline Sweeping

Salem Oregon